Susques to Purmamarca Argentina

Northern Argentina has captured my heart. Perhaps I was ready for a more leisurely travel pace after a seemingly endless stay in Bolivia. Or maybe its blend of culture and modern infrastructure is the much-needed a respite I desired from the more primitive yet endearing nature of that land-locked country. Yet with a hankering to […]

PodCast #19 – Breaking Out of Bolivia: Welcome To Chile.

Finally after enduring a broken leg, badly sprained ankle and ligament strained and twisted knee, WorldRider, Allan Karl, finally takes the road out of Bolivia. From the largest and highest in altitude salt lake in the world, Allan takes a dirt road out of Bolivia. In search of better roads, Allan is quite suprised to […]

San Pedro de Atacama and onto Argentina.

After the taxing day yesterday, I was eager to make my way to the desert outpost of San Pedro de Atacama. In Calama, I experienced a leisurely morning with the usual cadre of gawkers surrounding my bike as I loaded my things. This led to more conversations and subsequently a later departure. The road was […]

12,000 Feet In The Middle of Nowhere. Standing On The Salar – PodCast #18

With lightning storms blazing the evening sky and the most impressive array of starts they’ve ever seen, WorldRider, Allan Karl and fellow motorcyclist Andy Tiegs, sit on the largest and highest in altitude salt flat in the world on the Bolivian Altiplano and discuss their respective journeys to this magical place by motorcycle. After traveling […]