Westone: Hearing Protection & High-fidelity Audio
When lead guitarist and songwriter of the legendary rock n’ roll band “The Who” wrote in his song “Too Much of Anything,” “I think these ears hear a whole lot of music, and like me, they’ve heard a bit too much,” he was reflecting on the realization he was going deaf in one ear. Today, he can only hear the world and his music through one ear.
It’s not only music that can damage your hearing but riding motorcycles can also, too. I’m surprised at how many people I meet, both here in the United States and abroad, that don’t use hearing protection when they ride.

Westone Motorsport hearing protection for motorcyclists comes in various colors and patterns. These aren’t mine; I choose a flesh color, making them more invisible.
Minimally, but barely adequate, riders should use the simple twist in foam ear plugs. Ideally, they should use custom ear-mold fitted ear protection. I rarely hop on my motorcycle without fitting my Westone earplugs.
If I forget or am just lazy, it doesn’t take long for the wind and traffic noise to fatigue and remind me I need to pull over and protect my ears—and my hearing.
The Westone Motorsport “Defendear” earplugs are designed to be used under your helmet and will reduce wind buffeting and traffic noise. They are custom-molded for your ears for the best seal. Plus, they are fitted with tails that make it easy to remove them.

The ultra-premium Westone ES60 in-ear monitors—as stage musicians use.
Another way to damage your ears or to seriously fatigue them is by using mediocre headphones or earphones (earbuds). So I not only use Westone for ear protection, but I pack a pair of Westone ES60 Earphones. These are professional quality in-ear monitors with six drivers in each earphone and a multistage crossover design that gives pristine sound. Even better, I can plug these directly into my smartphone or GPS or, even better, into my SENA Bluetooth S20 communicator.
Keep in mind that Westone is the company that provides everyone from Grammy-winning artists to music legends the in-ear monitors they use on stage during live performances. You might not know it, but you’ve seen them.
The ES60 Earphones not only provide the best sound, but they also are sound isolating, which means they block or reduce wind buffeting and traffic noise just like the Motorsport ear plugs.
If you ride, protect your ears. Forget cheap disposable earplugs; get custom-fitted plugs—because your ears and hearing are worth it.