
Around The World Alone — On A Bicycle.

Ok. So you know I traveled around the world for three years alone—on a motorcycle. And I really didn’t see everything. There are still plenty of places waiting for my visit. Or at least I’d like to think so. Truth is, there are a lot of places I’m waiting to visit. But that’s besides the […]

Reflections & Surprises-The Middle East

Reflecting then. Reflecting now. Egypt’s rich history overshadowed by its present. For those of you who follow my Facebook page or Twitter feed, you know over the last couple weeks I’ve been posting a few photos and thinking about the time I spent through Egypt in 2008. First, I still haven’t connected with my host […]

MAX BMW – North Hampton, New Hampshire – many reunions

I know I’ve been slow on the update to — but one thing is for sure, I haven’t been slow to keeping busy. So at the risk of filling the e-mailboxes of my followers and subscribers, please humor me by allowing me to catch up with a handful of posts and pics of my […]

East Coast Presentation Tour – Come Join Me!

As many of you know, I have been working with BMW on setting up a schedule of presentations, slide shows and speaking at many of the top BMW dealers in the country. I will be riding my bike, yes the same motorcycle from my world tour, to each of the Fall 2010 presentations. So take […]

I Think That I Shall Never See A Poem Lovely As A Tree.

It took John and I the better part of the day to locate the bearings and fabricate what we needed to bring Doc together again. By the time we waved goodbye, I only had a couple hours to ride across the border into Tennessee. My route? The Cherohal Skyway – a twisty, sometimes steep scenic […]

PodCast #19 – Breaking Out of Bolivia: Welcome To Chile.

Finally after enduring a broken leg, badly sprained ankle and ligament strained and twisted knee, WorldRider, Allan Karl, finally takes the road out of Bolivia. From the largest and highest in altitude salt lake in the world, Allan takes a dirt road out of Bolivia. In search of better roads, Allan is quite suprised to […]